我們有一所充滿聰明、快樂、富有創造力的年輕女性的學校,她們發現自己的才能,找到自己的聲音,併為新開發銀行畢業后的大學和生活做好了充分的準備。這就是我們所做的。 巴黎聖母院是一個讓學生感到安全的地方,可以承擔學術風險,並且他們獨特的天賦得到支持和重視。巴黎聖母院的教育不僅僅是教育思想,而是形成一種富有同情心的人類精神。
Save the Date
Fall Play Opening Night
Open House
October 20 | 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Save the date for Open House 2024! Explore academics, athletics, clubs, leadership opportunities and visual and performing arts as you meet current students, teachers and parents/guardians.
To register, complete an inquiry form.
Notre Dame Night
November 21 | 7 to 8:30 p.m.
The best way to experience Notre Dame is through our current students, teachers and parents/guardians. Join us for an intimate evening to dive into what it means to be a Tiger.
To register, complete an inquiry form.
Application Due Date
Shadow a Tiger September 17 to November 20
要安排影子訪問,請 填寫查詢表。
Tiger Talks | September to November
Talk Tiger to me! Join us for an intimate gathering with current students, faculty and staff hosted by a family near you to hear what being a Tiger is all about. Tiger Talks are designed for 7th and 8th grade students and their parents/guardians.
Tiger Talk Dates:
- September 19, 2024: Redwood City
- September 26, 2024: Burlingame
- October 1, 2024: San Carlos
- October 2, 2024: San Mateo
- October 8, 2024: Hillsborough
- October 22, 2024: Half Moon Bay
- October 24, 2024: Tiger Talk in San Carlos featuring basketball student-athletes, parents and coaches
- November 12, 2024: virtual
- November 14, 2024: Menlo Park
To register for a Tiger Talk, complete an inquiry form.
Looking for a change? Become a Tiger! Transfer applications are welcome and accepted on a rolling basis. Students must demonstrate an ability to complete a rigorous college preparatory curriculum and have a minimum high school GPA of 3.2. An application, transcripts, letters of recommendation and an interview are required for the transfer process. Notre Dame understands the unique needs of transfer students and holds a special orientation to welcome you! Let's find out how Notre Dame is the perfect place for you!
請發送電子郵件 admissions@ndhsb.org 或致電650.595.9505瞭解更多資訊。
If you are not applying for this year, but are interested in learning more. Please complete the online inquiry form, and we will keep you posted regarding our events for prospective students and parents. 7th graders can register for 7th Grade Day, a mini Shadow Day for 7th graders to experience the community of NDB.