與2028屆一起啟動的運動醫學和管理集中課程 將學生帶到體育和田徑行業的幕後,讓他們關注運動醫學和商業管理——這兩個使體育世界取得成功的關鍵領域。無論學生對訓練運動員、管理運動隊、行銷還是管理行業的業務方面感興趣,體育管理集中都是開始職業生涯的好地方。
- 了解體育管理
- 運動醫學知識
- 對人體和健康的理解
- 書面和人際溝通技巧
- 協作技巧
- 熟練掌握企業管理
- 瞭解營銷基礎
Sports Medicine Students Use Medical Tape to Prevent ACL Injuries
Katie Smooth '17 Speaks to Students About Journey From NDB Athlete to Marketing Professional With San Jose Earthquakes
NDB was thrilled to welcome home esteemed athletic alumna and Hall of Fame member Katie Smoot '17 last week as she attended Notre Dame's co-ed Sports Management class as a guest speaker (with students from Serra High School). Katie shared her journey from NDB to college athlete and her recent career shift into sports marketing and communications with San Jose Earthquakes.
Students Tour Oracle Park with Anica Chavez ‘07, Senior Director and Executive Producer of San Francisco Giants
“Speaking to the current students at Oracle Park was an incredibly rewarding experience. It allowed me to reflect on my own journey and the lessons I’ve learned along the way," Anica shared, "Notre Dame Belmont instilled in me a strong sense of resilience and confidence which have been pivotal in navigating the male-dominated sports and media industry."
Class of 2024 Sports Medicine and Management Majors
- 運動醫生
- 力量和體能教練
- 田徑總監
- 體育聯盟經理
- 物理治療師
- 運動教練或教練
- 運動生理學家
- 體育營銷人員
- 大學體育管理員